Advocate for Climate Change

by Robert D. Vines PE, C.P.M., Board Member


Elect Legislators who are Pro-Earth. – El Paso is in good shape here, but our officials are in the minority in the state capital, and on a national level, Texas seems to have its head in the sand. 

Help Educate others – There are too many people who simply do not realize the magnitude of the global warming problem. Others simply shrug off the problem as something the government must address, but not them personally. Instead, they must understand what they can do and why it is important.

Push locally for computer-controlled red lights. – Too much fuel is wasted while waiting for red lights to change when there is no opposing traffic. Modern control systems minimize waiting when there is no cross traffic, while lengthening timing during heavy traffic.

Ask the city to consider a commuter train system – Two rail lines going through the city could be converted into commuter lines. The railroad has stated that they would love to bypass El Pass and free up lines with most freight if they had support from the city to connect to a line north of the town. This could also help relieve I-10 congestion.

Support the replacement of the power company’s old and inefficient gas generators. – El Paso’s primary power source has outdated and inefficient gas generators. Modern generators would lower the carbon footprint while guaranteeing a more secure future.

Develop housing close to the inner city. – Much of the inner-city employment commutes from the suburbs, often spending more than an hour in traffic. Allowing land development closer to town would lower that travel and carbon contribution. 

Stop using Bitcoin or Another Cryptocurrency – A single Bitcoin transaction adds more than 1,000 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the enormous energy required to operate the massive computer infrastructure involved in the transaction. Estimates put Ethereum and Bitcoin mining operations together responsible for emitting more than 78 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, equal to the annual tailpipe emissions of more than 15.5 million cars. In a recent memorandum, the House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone mentioned that one Bitcoin transaction could power the average home for more than 70 days.

As further evidence of the environmental toll, the Energy and Commerce Committee Chair said one crypto mining company acquired two shuttered waste coal-fired power plants in Pennsylvania to generate more than 150 megawatts to support mining operations.  

Support Planned Parenthood – As mentioned, the most scientific study on solutions to climate change has shown that family planning and educating women is the number one item to be addressed with the highest return. Although this is a global analysis, every person added to the earth requires resources and adds to climate change. Of course, many other similar and more specific organizations with similar goals need our support (West Fund, NARAL, Guttmacher, NNAF, etc.).

Educate Religious Leaders – Religion in general, especially the Catholic Church, needs to change its position on birth control. Much of the poverty in undeveloped countries, like the predominately Catholic Mexico, has been caused by unwanted pregnancies that result in large families that cannot provide for themselves and results in higher populations than the land will support. And, of course, every person added to the earth adds to global warming. In many ways, the Catholic Church’s current position contributes to global warming rather than trying to help. 

Support the Keystone Pipeline. – Killing the Keystone Pipeline was an unfortunate example of political acquiescence. The oil in Canada and North Dakota needs to move to Texas to be refined. It is oil that could replace Russian oil in Europe. You can move that oil by pipeline, by truck, or by rail. Biden was under extreme pressure to meet his campaign commitment to the teamsters and railroad unions to stop the pipeline so that they would be the only option for that service. There are thousands of miles of pipelines in the US with no problems. Seven, go through El Paso. It is the most environmentally friendly way to move oil. But it seems we will be shipping it by truck and rail it instead, which provides more union jobs, but is certainly less environmentally friendly and much more costly. 

Top: Mark Dixon, Wikimedia Creative Commons
2nd from Top: Kevin Prince, Wikimedia Creative Commons
Bottom: BTC Keychain, Wikimedia Creative Commons