Environmental News

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Environmental factors are something that can affect everyone, it can definitely affect the way our beautiful desert works. Therefore it is necessary to understand how the environment changes and what affects it, this way we can take better care of our planet and the Chihuahuan Desert. Taking care of our desert will bring balance to our ecosystem, and it will make our lives easier. In this page we can look at different blogs related to the environment, including what affects it, how it affects us and even tips on how to improve it. Blogs will be organized from newest to oldest.

A big problem: carbon dioxide can only be seen with special cameras

High and increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may be the single greatest threat to the future of life on earth.

How do you go carbon neutral?

Carbon neutral is defined as making no net release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere…

Advocate for Climate Change

There are too many people who simply do not realize the magnitude of the global warming problem. Others simply shrug off the problem as something the government must address, but not them personally.

Largest wildlife refuge near El Paso responding to climate change

There has been no water in the Wetland Roost, and thus no flocks of cranes spending the night there.

National Certification Standards, the way forward for sustainable palm oil?

This growing movement by governments worldwide to better protect forests and biodiversity sounds a calming note amidst other gloomy predictions for nature.

Wild Animal Heath Fund helps zoo and wildlife veterinarians

Just like humans and our pets, animals like lions and dolphins get sick or injured and need healthcare too!

Is the warming Arctic a Canary in the coal mine for El Paso and an early warning of danger?

All around the world we are seeing changes in climate that many are saying are human civilizations early warning of dangerous times ahead.

Biodiversity of the Castner Range, a delicate balance

Franklin Mountains State Park currently summarizes what is known about the biodiversity of the Franklin Mountains…

How wildlife is impacted by climate change – the plight of the Grey-headed Albatross

Helping people connect the dots between climate change and their quality of life is a big challenge, mainly because many have not been able to see how climate change is impacting their daily lives.

Governments addressing climate change

The most important, but most difficult action required to save our planet, is that every country must embrace the science leading to climate change and commit to immediate actions.

Do the right thing, be sure to pick the right tree

Did you know that planting non-native trees can have serious impacts to our environment?

Climate Change – You can help

The most fundamental action we can all take to contribute to mitigating global warming is to include the environmental effect of all our actions, and in all our thinking.

How serious are we about climate change?

We all know how climate change can be a hot button issue and how many people don’t even like to say the words for fear of turning off some folks.

What are wildlife corridors?

Today conservationists are working to protect habitats by focusing on wildlife corridors. 

Who will champion the return of the condor to Texas?

All it will take is for one highly motivated wildlife champion to come to the conservation stage and lead an effort to make it happen. Any takers?

The Return: Great news for the Bolson Tortoise

The likely cause of the current restricted range was predation by humans after the last Ice Age.

Biosphere Region and Reinhabitation

In the 1970s, a counterculture group called Planet Drum Foundation was formed in California to discuss ideas about people in connection to the planet.

Transboundary Conservation in the Big Bend

Plan now to landscape with native plants

Learning about the Chihuahuan Desert